Passive Cable Theory - De Menselijke Maat
It’s been quite a while… but here’s a new Passive Cable Theory album!
Three albums at once, actually 🙂
‘De Menselijke Maat’ is the first one.
Some musings on the times we live in. For lovers of chopped up noise, broken music and songs that have been through the shredder, fallen down the stairs, have shattered into pieces and then been glued back together blindfolded with industrial superglue while listening to news reports on a badly tuned AM radio while ADHD-like thinking about the state of the world and humanity in general. It’s possible that I also abused some AI while doing that. But hey, if AI is allowed to plunder the world, Passive Cable Theory is allowed to plunder AI, right? My old bass guitar also appears to no longer work properly, but that didn’t stop me from giving the old beast a starring role here and there. Not that it is recognizable as such, of course.