The six tracks on this album are 6 ‘possible soundtracks’ for a video of ‘possible lifeforms’ by my good friend Sebastien Vanblaere.
So it’s 1 video, with the 6 possible soundtracks presented here 🙂

Check the videos below, or here on Youtube!

1. Horizon:

2. Discovery:

3. Curtains:

4. Adrift:

5. Whole black sun:

6. Searching for Laika:

Check out the album on Bandcamp

Each (sound)track has a minimalist approach, based upon some simple improvised lines. They were recorded directly while watching the video, trying to translate the moving images into sound – resulting in these floating, dreamlike tracks, each with their own vibe – meandering between melody and abstract sound, between light and dark.

A playlist with all six versions of the video, each with its own soundtrack, can be seen here:

The video used as inspiration for these little soundtracks, is a compilation of short ‘possible lifeform’ animations, flowing into each other.

Check out for more of these wonderful animations.

This and other work by Sebastien Vanblaere can be found on his website: