Electronic Cottage Compilation 5 — Chance Encounters ELECTRONIC COTTAGE COMPILATION 5 – Chance Encounters‘ is a compilation of collaborative duos chosen by chance.

All members of the Electronic Cottage Community could participate in this project; 58 members requested participation.

On July 12, 2019 Hal McGee drew two names at a time from a brown paper sack containing slips of paper on which he had written the names of the 58 participants.

​The collaborators were instructed to create an audio work not exceeding two minutes and 53 seconds in length, plus artwork to accompany the audio recording.

The result is this stunning compilation with 29 tracks by underground experimental artists from all over the world, collaborating in unique duos: a fantastic release (with album artwork by Marcel Herms):

Get it on Bandcamp!
(Download includes a PDF of the liner notes of the album and all 29 tracks, album cover art by Marcel Herms, supplemental album art by Ditlev Buster and Faserhaft Judith Pauly-Bender, and artwork files for each of the 29 tracks.)

The musical partner chosen for me by chance was Jonas Juuso (as Föräldrarna), and I collaborated with him as invertebrata, which resulted in this track (also the track artwork is a collaborative effort of Jonas and me):

invertebrata & Föräldrarna – Bulbous eyes:

This is the artwork for our track (click to enlarge):


Electronic Cottage website:

Electronic Cottage Group at Facebook: